Volunteers Helena & Jule talk about their experience helping in one the kindergartens in Buenos Aires.
Volunteers Helena & Jule talk about their experience helping in one the kindergartens in Buenos Aires.
von Milena Sapey . in Health
In a year where we all felt the importance of mental health, where we experienced the problems of confinement, and where our ways of living were in check, we believe that it is important to continue fighting for the real implementation of the mental health law in our country.
von Jesica Franco . in Health
How have primary health center relationships with the community changed?
von Milena Sapey . in Health
Today is World Mental Health Day and we feel it is important to mention this in times of pandemic. The relevance of mental health must always be recognized, and this year has made it visible to many who previously ignored it.
Voluntario Global helps local communities by being available to discuss anything that local organizations need, and offering ideas for further change and development.
Location: General Pacheco. Buenos Aires. Argentina
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