By Francesca Monteiro
Combinar latas de atún viejas con alambre de dispositivos intrauterinos desechados no es algo que hubiera imaginado antes. Sin embargo, en el barrio de José León Suárez, las promotoras de salud recuperan estos materiales, ayudando a las vecinas y vecinos a transformarlos en latas ornamentales para almacenamiento durante los talleres de manualidades semanales del centro de salud.
Este pequeño acto refleja la creatividad y resiliencia que impulsan las iniciativas en estos centros, donde los recursos limitados se convierten en herramientas para conectar con la comunidad.
Como voluntaria en salud pública con Voluntario Global, he tenido la oportunidad de trabajar en Centros de Atención Primaria de la Salud (CAPS) en la provincia de Buenos Aires. A través de mi participación en actividades centradas en la comunidad, he profundizado mi comprensión del sistema de salud argentino y de cómo los CAPS ofrecen mucho más que atención médica.
En esta publicación, exploraré el papel fundamental que los CAPS desempeñan en el sistema de salud, los obstáculos que enfrentan y las lecciones que ofrecen para fomentar comunidades más saludables y empoderadas.
By Francesca Monteiro
Pairing old tuna cans and unused contraceptive coil wire is not something I would have previously imagined. Yet, in the neighbourhood of José León Suárez, health promoters salvage these materials, helping locals transform them into ornamental storage tins during the health centre’s weekly crafts workshop.
This seemingly small act reflects the creativity and resilience driving the initiatives at these centres, where limited resources are repurposed into tools to connect with the community.
As a public health volunteer with Voluntario Global, I’ve had the opportunity to work in primary health centres, or Centros de Atención Primaria de la Salud (CAPS), in the province of Buenos Aires. Through participating in community-focused activities, I’ve gained a deeper understanding of Argentina’s healthcare system and how CAPS provide more than just medical care.
In this post, I’ll explore the critical role CAPS play in the healthcare system, the obstacles they face, and the lessons they offer for fostering a healthier, empowered community.
From: USA
Birthday: December 13, 2004
Volunteered mainly teaching English and helped at the soup kitchen during the winter holidays in 2024.
Studies at Stanford University
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
A beautiful poem by Kylan Denney on her experience volunteering with us here in Buenos Aires both in Spanish (first) and English (below).
By Kylan Denney
Halfway through my internship and teaching experience, I’ve been given more than I thought possible. I’ve been given complexity, understanding and hope in so many different capacities from others and all of it happened through Voluntario Global.
From our experience, it is transformative both for the host community and for the volunteer who joins, immerses themselves in the work, and engages in daily exchanges. For this process to be genuine and transformative, time is needed, but it is also necessary to include the volunteer in all the activities carried out by the organisation. Whether it is to help with specific tasks or simply to listen and "translate," understanding the uniqueness of the local culture.
Unlocking potential through pedagogical navigation: embracing challenges and opportunities in international volunteering.
Siempre decimos que el voluntariado es un proceso de aprendizaje, y un proceso de aprendizaje jamás sucede de manera aislada. Por lo tanto el voluntariado también es una experiencia colectiva.
As we always say, volunteering is a learning process. And a learning process is never isolated. Volunteering is also a collective experience signed by the relation we'll create with the communities we'll work with.
Voluntario Global helps local communities by being available to discuss anything that local organizations need, and offering ideas for further change and development.
Location: General Pacheco. Buenos Aires. Argentina
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.