Let’s talk about soft skills: Multicultural awareness

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Soft Skills Certificate Multicultural Awareness Soft Skills Certificate Multicultural Awareness Milena Sapey

Multicultural Awareness involves a greater understanding, sensitivity, and appreciation of the history, values, experiences, and lifestyles of diverse groups of people.

Culture is not inherent to a country, within a nation there can be many cultures. Each group, each organization, and each community has its culture and its way of being.

Developing this ability breaks with our patterns, our traditions, and what is familiar to us. It is learning to understand others, to be interested in them, and to dialogue, to share experiences and habits. It is with others that we learn best, we understand that there is no one way to do things. This is also how a community is built, we are small parts of many cultures.

Volunteering abroad helps open our minds and learn about other cultures first-hand. Volunteering allows a connection with others that is very different from what we are used to, we interact and immerse ourselves in other realities. Volunteering also encourages you to learn daily, question your habits, and create new possibilities.

When you're abroad you don't get involved with one culture, but with many. Not only because of the different communities but also because there are always people from different places around.

When you volunteer, you help but mainly you learn. It's not a selfless action, it's an experience. It's a way to connect with other worlds and learn more about the world we live on.  That’s why multicultural awareness is important. It is up to all of us to change things, to encourage a society with a greater understanding and awareness between groups.

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