Let’s talk about soft skills: Ethics and Commitment

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 Soft Skills Certificate Ethics and Commitment Soft Skills Certificate Ethics and Commitment Milena Sapey

Ethics and commitment are soft skills strongly related to the work environment, but they also take place in our involvement with any kind of institution. How is that ethics is a skill?

It is the ability to respect a code of conduct, to really get involved in the organization, and to promote its values and objectives. For this reason, ethics and commitment really matter to us, to all those who are part of Voluntario Global and who want to join.

Why do we say that we are a community? Community goes beyond geography: we do not need to be part of a neighborhood to have a sense of community, we are united by our values and objectives. We are a network because the organizations that are part of VG get involved with the people, in what happens in the neighborhoods, and we follow a line of values for social justice. This fact is something we also try to transmit to the volunteers. Volunteering with us does not imply coming to help, but rather it implies being part of the community. It does not matter if you are from a different country or culture, it is our objectives that unite us, the desire to build community.

In this sense, it is a skill that can be acquired in any volunteer project since all organizations reflect their ethics and commitment. Understanding this gives an account of the development of this skill, it is not the same to go unnoticed as to understand it and get involved. The volunteer has the opportunity to be part of this, and the fact of following these values brings him/her closer to the community with which he/she is working.


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