Let’s talk about soft skills: Open-Mindedness

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Soft Skills Certificate Open-Mindedness Soft Skills Certificate Open-Mindedness Milena Sapey

Open-mindedness involves the ability to be open to new ideas, experiences, theories, people, and ways of living. It is also about adopting a fair and respectful attitude towards opinions, beliefs, and practices that differ from one's own. One of the main factors in this skill is tolerance: being well disposed implies accepting others without judging, negatively criticizing or being unpleasant. 

Open-mindedness helps us to maintain proper communication and allows us to deal with change more smoothly. Traveling to another country and getting to know another culture implies a certain amount of newness: different languages, other landscapes, other habits, different attitudes, and ways of relating. Having an open mind does not necessarily mean adopting all these new customs, it's about understanding. 

When volunteering, everyone can develop open-mindedness and tolerance. Volunteering helps to understand all these matters from another perspective. It is an immersion in the culture. Being a volunteer implies relating to local people differently, from a place of exchange and learning. Every culture has a history that is reflected in the ways of being of each society. Having a daily approach helps to have a greater understanding and avoid prejudice. 

One of the things we emphasized most in the introductory meeting is to be open with the differences they find. It is important not to judge and to learn from it. Also, volunteering implies tutoring, so there is always someone to talk to about habits, culture, and adaptation to what is different. 


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