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Ni una menos Ni una menos

A new June 3 in pandemic, without taking to the streets, but expressing our voices. We demand a feminist judicial reform, a stop to impunity. No more femicides and trans-travesticides. 

According to the Observatory "Women, Dissidence, Rights" of Mumala from January 1 to May 30, 2021, 143 violent deaths of women, transvestites, and trans in Argentina were recorded, that is, 1 every 25 hours. Of that figure, 94 were femicides, linked femicides, and trans-travesticides. Apart from the confirmed femicides, there were 22 violent deaths associated with gender, linked to criminal or collateral economies and robberies, 21 violent deaths of women in the process of being investigated, and 6 femicidal suicides.

We share in this context the words of the collective Ni Una Menos:

"Since 2015, every June 3, we give a powerful and fierce yell. Hundreds of thousands of people meet in the streets to be the voice of those who no longer have a voice, victims of femicidal violence. We put body, words, banners, and posters to say that male violence kills and not only when the heart stops beating. Because macho violence also kills, slowly, when it restricts freedoms, political and social participation, the chance to invent other worlds, other communities, other links.

When it tells us how to dress and how to act, it kills our freedom.

When it insults us or judges us for the way we enjoy our bodies, it kills our right to put into action its immense power.

When it denies us the right to speak in the public space, silences or minimizes it, it kills our right to change the world for everyone.

When it imposes on us domestic and care tasks as if it were an exclusive and natural duty, it kills our time.

When it denies us equal pay even if we do the same work, it kills our autonomy.

When it subjugates or abuses our bodies, it kills our integrity.

When it seeks to control our reproductive capacity, it kills our right to choose.

Saying Ni Una Menos is not a plea or a request. It is to stand up in the face of what we do not want: not one more victim. And it is to state that we want to be alive, whole, autonomous, sovereign. Owners of our bodies and our life trajectories. Owners of our choices: how we want, when we want, with whom we want.

To say Ni Una Menos is to weave a web of resistance and solidarity; it is the patriarchy that invents the script of rivalry between women, of moral panic against those who recognize themselves as neither male nor female, as this suffocating system pretends to model us. It is the networks of affection that are also political that allow us to make oppressions visible, to get out of the circle of violence, to empower ourselves to live the lives we want to live."


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