The Journey of Voluntario Global and the Inauguration of its' Digital Center

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With the objective of improving acces to technology for young people, a “Digital Center” was inaugurated at Voluntario Global, a place where young people from different shantytowns can study using the internet and also hangout and socialize. This project was made possible by the means of “Programa Mi PC” and guaranteed by the Ministry of Work through Minister Carlos Tomada. Pictures of the inauguration are on Voluntario Global's facebook page.


Voluntario Global was an idea created a little over 6 years ago by social activists living inside and outside the city of Buenos Aires. We wanted to provide accessible resources to members of self sustaining cooperatives in hopes of contributing and enabling the education in community centers and social organizations.

First Objective

We started with the first goal of improving the education and opportunities within the community through volunteer service programs. Through donations we were able to manage the various resources for our organizations.


Second Objective

The first objective propelled us to create the next goal...

We wanted to instill the idea that the students should concentrate a lot of time on their studies in order to get a good job in the future.

However, many young people have to work in order to continue with school and therefore we decided to create anentrepreneurial opportunity in the area of hospitality. And so we created...

A laundromat completely run by students in the surrounding shantytowns. They also work at different hostels for another 10 different cooperatives.

This cooperative is our way of reconstructing the day to day working culture, while also providing the first, challenging responsbility for the young people.


The Group of Young People

Today we maintain a place of reflection open to young peple of all organizations and shantytowns that want to pursue an individual and group sense of critical thinking.

But what does it mean to think critically?

Comparing is a form of thinking critically. To do so, first you must completely understand your own situation. Then, you can evaluate your own situation in comparison to others. Having access to information is invaluable and if you do not, you must work towards gaining access to all forms of information.


The Last Challenge

Voluntario Global is not just an open place for organizations and cooperatives to meet and organize, it has also been a place for young people to study and meet for a long time.

The last challenge for Voluntario Global is to give young people that study in universities and technical schools the ability to access a place where they can study, get on the internet, and meet other people. That is, we want to give them an opprtunity they will not have in the areas they live.

This area in Buenos Aires is full of students going to school and studying, but some people in the shantytowns nearby do not have the simple luxury of a computer and a table to quietly study.

Not only will the program Mi PC allow young people to take courses and utilize the computers as a tool to study and communicate, but it will also allow be accesible to members of cooperatives that are working towards imprving the quality of our community.

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