My First Week Volunteering in Argentina - Still Alive!

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Murals in La Boca, Buenos Aires Murals in La Boca, Buenos Aires Voluntario Global

Last week was the first one I spent working in the radio stations projects located in the Buenos Aires neighborhoods of La Boca and Villa Soldati.

After the introduction Milena provided me about the environment and the tasks I was going to find, I was ready to start this experience.

To reach the place was a bit difficult at the beginning, but nothing so serious. After all, I am still alive! La Boca is an unique barrio where it is possible to observe a deeply different social reality from the city. Here the walls show the history of the place, its problems and its fight for a better place to live. As Tania —one of the women that leads the political organization— told me, there is something such as a tradition of muraleros, who is part of the community’s involvement in the political struggle.

In particular, last week saw the 3° Encuentro de Muraleros, an artistic event aiming to contrast the local Government’s will to cancel these graffiti – and with them, the barrio’s history –. On these days, we managed to interview those artists and send their stories “on air”, while I had the duty to write an article over the topic in Spanish.  Moreover, I had the possibility to bring two colleagues to the radio and show them how they work and what their purposes are.

Soldati is a different environment: the barrio’s conditions are even more different from the centre compared to what I found in La Boca. I am sincerely grateful for this opportunity because I started knowing more what is the real condition of the country. Here in Soldati I am part of the podcast as a speaker, so I can be involved in a challenging work and be an effective member of the team.

We go on air on Thursday: last day I looked at some newspapers and worked on the news form the other Latin American countries. However, we talked mostly about Pepsico’s workers, an issue I personally did not know and that was interesting to discover.

The adventure goes on!

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