Today was the Day of Primary Health Attention in the barrier of San Martin. This meant that all the centro’s de salud (who are the primary health care avaliable in the area) came to the plaza in front of the San Martin Municipalidad to display the work they have done throughout the last year. This event does not happen every year but as 2010 is the Bicentenary Celebration, today was one of the events that had been organised specially for the year. On the front of the programme for the day was the phrase ‘En el bicentenario, salud para todos, un derecho a garantizar’ which means, ‘In the bicentenary, health is for all, a guaranteed right.’ This is what all the health centres aim to achieve everyday so it was important that the public who came, saw this.
The 19 health centres each had their own table to show their work on. They displayed pictures the work they have done throughout the year and each chose one main area to focus on. The morning was divided up into various sections. Talks from all different sections of the health sector in San Martin and presentations from a few of the salitas talking about specific projects of theirs. Centro 15 (the salita where I work) was one of the health centre’s who did a presentation. They performed their famous tooth-related play that has gone down so well with the jardin’s in our area. It was an equal success today and by far the best performance of the day! Other salita’s performed raps about toothbrushes, songs about cleanliness and a play involving a witch and her cat!! Overall it was an entertaining morning and those who came enjoyed it and learnt a lot about what the salitas do throughout the year and how important it is.