A Weekend at the English Camp

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Volunteers at english camp Volunteers at english camp

Last weekend four of Voluntario Global’s volunteers joined an English School at their English camp! They escaped the city for a couple of days in glorious weather to help give the kids an incredible experience- learning English through games and activities at a summer camp! We interviewed two of the volunteers, David and Aurelien, to hear all about what they got up to:

Could you give us a summary of what you did this weekend?

This weekend we were at an English camp with an English School. We spent 2 days with the kids there playing games and teaching them English. The kids were divided into two different houses northern and southern, and with every game they aimed to gain points. The team with the most points won.

What was your favorite part of the weekend?

I don’t think it would be possible to pick one single favorite part because there were so many good parts. We enjoyed the bonfire and all the games, the weather was perfect for the whole weekend and the location was amazing too.

Do you have a favorite or funniest memory from the weekend?

The whole weekend was really funny, especially when we played a big game of football. There was a big football field at the camp so everyone was playing football and that was lots of fun.

What was the most challenging part of the camp?

The English was probably the biggest challenge at the camp. For the younger kids it was hard to understand us when we spoke in English and it was harder for them to speak English, some of them were only 8 years old. For the older kids it was also hard to maintain speaking in English, we often had to explain things in Spanish so that they could understand.

What did the children learn and how did the English camp benefit them?

I think it’s good for the kids to be confronted with the language outside of the classroom, they could learn in a more fun way. It was a good opportunity to practice English, but more than just English the kids learned about playing together, team work and socializing

Did you learn anything from your experience at the English camp?

Yeah, it was good for us to practice our English and our Spanish, sometimes we needed to translate for the kids. Also, we learnt to coordinate the kids and organize the games.

What do you think are the benefits of teaching children in a camp environment rather than a classroom?

I think you learn faster when you are having fun. At the camp it was less strict, in a classroom you have to pay a lot of attention and sit facing the front but not at the camp. I also think the camp was more immersive for the kids.

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