The Best Thing About Buenos Aires!

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Volunteers enjoying Palermo Volunteers enjoying Palermo Voluntario Global

Volunteering with Voluntario Global I’ve had the chance to experience life in Argentina’s vibrant capital, Buenos Aires. There are so many things I love about this city, the most beautiful purple trees, how we’re never far from a perfect spot to sit, play cards and drink mate, how there’s always music and celebration and how caring many of the people I’ve met here are… The list goes on. I know that the other volunteers love living in this city just like I do, so I chatted with some of them to find out what they would say is their favourite thing about Buenos Aires.

“Palermo (a district of the city centre) is my favourite thing about Buenos Aires. I love strolling around the streets of Palermo finding cute little shops and restaurants, especially now that it’s summer and the weather is great. Palermo has loads to offer for vegans like me.
I also love the people of Buenos Aires, a lot of the people here are so caring and open.” Our volunteer Denise.

“For me the best thing about Buenos Aires is the food. Empanadas (Argentinian pastries) here are the best, and I love the milanesas (breaded meat fillets) and the medialunas (Argentinian croissants). We’ve found some great restaurants! They also offer some great drinks, I love their sidra (cider) and the submarinos (a special type of hot chocolate).
I love the people here too, I think they have more passion and emotion here compared to back home, they discuss their feelings more.” Our volunteer Melissa.

“The weather here in Buenos Aires is beautiful. I’m escaping the winter back home and enjoying the sun! I love that each district of the city centre is so different, from La Boca to Recoleta, where we live near El Congreso to Palermo- this city has so much diversity to offer and so many different places to see. I love all the markets and the art here too.” Our volunteer Lara.

“The best thing about Buenos Aires is that even in the middle of a huge city there are beautiful parks to escape to, it’s like a whole new world. These parks are so quiet and perfect for relaxing. The architecture here is great too, I think the older buildings are really impressive and you can see influences from all over, especially Europe.” Our volunteer Laura.

There is an endless list of wonderful things about Argentina’s capital, and I couldn’t possibly fit them all into one blog. We feel very lucky to have had the opportunity to explore such an incredible city.

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