Suarez Kindergarten Graduation Party

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As can be seen on our Facebook page, Friday the 9th December brought about a hugely significant event on the education calendar of Argentina. Some of our niños at the Kindergarten graduated after 3-5 years of hard work and noisy fun, the Christmas celebrations were the perfect opportunity to throw a party and the kids’ achievements only heightened the festivities.

Bri Rosen has been working as an assistant at the kindergarten for three months and gives an insight into her impressions and experiences below: I anticipated my last day at the kindergarten to be emotional; however I knew I would be so sad and excited at the same time to see the ‘nenes’ dressed up in their black plastic graduation caps, singing and dancing in front of their proud parents. There is something special about the small, violet painted school- It is full of kids who are very, very poor; however they seem equally happy and enthusiastic about life( if not more) than any other kid. I spent the week before the party helping the ‘professoras’ prepare gift bags and decorations for the kids and their families.

The love and compassion the teachers have for the kids is shown through their dedication to work endless hours without receiving a single ‘centavo’. Walking into the jardin to see the patio crowded with family members was a good feeling. I realize now after volunteering in the school and getting to know the teachers, that it’s not important what the school has materialistically speaking- because they don’t have much; what is inspiring is what they do with the little they have. The excitement on each kid’s face as they opened the Christmas gifts they were given combined with the smiles of the proud parents makes their unfortunate reality a little more bearable to see. The fact that most of the kids know little outside the slum or may never go to university was not so important that last day. What was important and evident was family and fun.

This is seen as one of the most representative projects here at Voluntario Global. It is great to see a large group of children from a deprived 'villa' who would never have had the chance to learn to read and write Spanish (rather than their parents’ language of Guaraní) find themselves ready to ‘graduate’ and go on to bigger and better things in the primary schools of rural Argentina. We hope their time at Travesuras will bring them happy memories as they begin their future education.

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