5 Benefits of Volunteering in a Professional Program

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By Pisi Federica

 Volunteering in a professional program is just a different way to help people. If you are thinking about your future, if you’ve just started (or finished) your college education, or are simply a little bit tired of your current job… You can join a volunteer professional program. Here are some of the benefits:

1. If you’re looking for a job, keep in mind that when potential employers conduct interviews and review resumes, they will look for signs that you are a motivated, disciplined individual who can adapt to new situations and environments. The fact that you were willing to offer your services, unpaid, demonstrates motivation, and will allow you to stand out from other applicants.

2. Volunteer work develops important skills such as teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and task management. In general, you develop valuable personal and professional skills, and this experience provides you with know-how in a particular professional area.

 3. Obviously, during an experience abroad in a country like Argentina (for example!), you can learn a new language (Spanish is the second most wildly spoken language in the world) or improve your level of proficiency.

4. You will be able to analyze differences between your home country and the country in which you volunteer, allowing you to develop a more critical approach with respect to your work.

5. Sometimes people come to volunteer in programs completely distinct from their current field of work, and volunteering offers the opportunity to try out a new career without making a long-term commitment. 

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