Pacheco Community Center First Impressions

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Outdoor Class in Pacheco Outdoor Class in Pacheco Voluntario Global

 As a Communications volunteer, part of my work is to visit Voluntario Global projects, feel the atmosphere and write about my impressions. Here's my first article about my visit to Pacheco Community Center.

After a small trip on a bus, we arrived at Pacheco, in this big house outside Buenos Aires. All the Argentinos were waiting for us, shovel in hand and with big smiles. We first had a guided tour of the center, where we could discover the garden and the plantation, followed by a beautiful breakfast altogether. We were then offered the opportunity to witness the theoretical class : where the members created the rules of life at Pacheco, all of which took place in a kind and accepting environment, maté in hand!

After we participated in an intriguing and enlightening demonstration of how to measure the fertility of grass, came the time to eat, where Valeria cooked some wonderful pizzas all of that under a beautiful sun! Finally we took some pictures and it was time to come back home!

I really loved this day in Pacheco. I felt that each member was happy to be here and felt at home. As Valeria was telling us, knowing that all of the adolescents come from different neighborhoods, it is important to have a warm group cohesion inside the house.

I found it wonderful that Valeria not only provides a place where these adolescents can learn new skills in a warm and friendly environment, but that she also ensures that each person has a degree of responsibility in every aspect of the project, for example all being in charge of establishing the rules of the project.

Another huge advantage of those monthly meetings is the chance for them to meet foreign people. It can sound normal for us, but for these adolescents, who live in the suburbs of Buenos Aires, it is not a common occurrence. Even with the barrier of the language, they always try to communicate, asking questions!

It is really a win-win relationship, we are here to help them, but they also help us, both sides enabling the other to discovering a different culture.

This day was really amazing and I can’t wait to come back there!

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