The Value of Seed and Organic Agriculture

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Seed Planting in Pacheco Community Seed Planting in Pacheco Community Voluntario Global

At Pacheco Community, our students gather every week to reflect upon real situations from our society.

These were our group conclusions for last week:

  • The seed is liberty, independence and autonomy; because if we access to it we cover a basic necessity for our peoples: nutrition. We know the system transformed the production of seeds into a business that stops us from empowering ourselves in relation to a fundamental matter: eating. Through the genetic modifications and transgenics put in seeds, they make sure we don't have the choice to decide about our food. They exterminate varieties ofvegetables and poison us.

  • If we take a look at the past, aside from hunting, the only food that existed came from earth (seeds), without going through any chemicals processes. Anything you needed you would extract it from the earth, without having to go to the market or grocery store. We should not forget that we’re able to produce what we eat. 

  • The agroecology doesn't have any walls. This means that education on the healthy production of food is not found in educative establishments, but rather is acquired mainly by practice. The people who work with the land and are in permanent contact with it are the ones who have the knowledge. 

  • Where is the food? Food is manipulated by international companies. There is no hunger, hunger is a political construction. The seed needs to be used to eliminate misery. If we all had the knowledge and the basic supplies (earth, water, seeds) we could produce our own food.

  • We believe earth belongs to us, that it is our property. We should be humble and recognize that it is because of her that we live. She provides us with everything we need. Everyone and everything comes from the earth. We are the earth, we come from it and we’ll come back to it. The earth is not ours, we belong to it.

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