8 Ways Volunteering Abroad can Change your Life

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Smiling at the kindergarten Smiling at the kindergarten Voluntario Global

Commuting alone can be thrilling

“Nothing makes you feel like part of the city of Buenos Aires more than hustling through Calle Florida during rush hour. My first day of volunteer started while I was crossing Avenida 9 de Julio, which porteños take pride in for being the widest avenue in the world. You can almost feel the quietness before the yuppies mob took control of downtown”  Volunteer Diana, Communications volunteer

You connect to the local community

“I learned that this project did not start with me, and it was not supposed to end with me either,  it was a community effort that will be long term” Volunteer Melanie , Sustainable Development volunteer

And become an integral part of a smaller, tightly knit community

These types of experiences attract interesting people from many different walks of life. This will become your network. Don´t lose the opportunity to have a debate with those who have come a long road on similar experiences.

“I learned more here than I ever thought possible. I learned how the world works and how people different than myself think. I learned about art and community and politics all from one place.” Brianna, Childcare volunteer

You’ll improve your Resume

With placements ranging from Health centers to Marketing and Public Relations, volunteering abroad could provide a unique experience that will make your resume stand out.

My volunteer experience has benefited me hugely and provided me with many skills appropriate for future careers and life in general.”  Volunteer Beth, Communications volunteer

I have loved being able to visit the surgery’s as this is an area of medicine that I am most interested in. Also, by meeting other doctors and nurses I have developed my understanding of medicine in different cultures, and can see how it varies to my country.” Volunteer Tamara, Health volunteer

You’ll learn a lot of Spanish

Hands on practice is often much more effective than learning in a traditional classroom.

Volunteering abroad is all about being in other people's shoes and language learning is a good way to start. The way language is used is as important as the grammar and vocabulary I thought I knew” Volunteer Paul, Community Program volunteer

You will get to know yourself better

Volunteering is a top activity for solo travelers who want to discover a new country and culture but also a little bit more about themselves.

"As my first time away from home, this experience have made me realize that luky to have the a home and a loving family that was able to provide me while I was growing. I also understood that those things can be found in different shapes" 

You’ll try new and amazing food

The prevalence and quality of steak here is no urban legend. It’s true, and it’s screaming your name.

“I´ve considered myself a truly foodie until I tried a truly Asado made by locals. It might be slow but dam is good” Volunteer Jack, Teaching Project

“Food get people reunite since memorial time. When my volunteer shift ended at the soup kitchen I knew it was time to enjoy and talk with the locals. Those lunches couldn´t be considered nothing else but a family meal” Volunteer Emma, Community Program volunteer

You could meet life long friends, and have friends all over the world

With all of these life-changing experiences, you will never forget the ones that were by your side

“Is so good to see people with the same interest and passion over certain topics all reunited in the same place” Volunteer Tanja, Childcare volunteer

“I think you can never forget the people you travel with, especially if you find it them along the road” Alexander, Teaching english volunteer

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