The Coronavirus pandemic is continuing to escalate with governments around the world taking drastic measures to limit people’s mobility and imposing self-quarantining policies. As many countries around the world, Argentina has imposed a 14 day self-quarantining for tourists arriving during the month of march. Therefore, our current recommendation for volunteers is to consider delaying their trips until May 2 or later in the year.
We’re committed to looking after the safety, health and wellbeing of our volunteers and projects, as much as possible in this time of pandemic anxiety. We know the world will keep turning, people will keep exploring, and very soon life will return to normal.
Likewise, as a social organization we ratify our solidarity. Prudence, prevention, information and solidarity go hand in hand. Isolation is not the answer in these cases: we build health among all of us.
If you requiere more information, please contact us via Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! or Facebook.
We also suggest you take a look at the Omprakash guide for travelers, which is updated on a daily basis.