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The quarantine we are currently experiencing has made us reflect in different ways, making it clearer and more surprising to live life. "Observing the mastery of the expression and importance of feelings."


As time goes by we feel caged like birds deprived of their freedom, now we realize how that little animal felt that we were only happily observing it by looking at its captured beauty in detail, but we have not paid attention to how it really felt.

As days went by, as we did not see any human activity in the surroundings, nature began to give us a break and take what had been taken away from us by force. In many places, animals were seen walking in the streets, in the cities. Not seeing the human presence that was always a threat to them, they walked freely without fear. The animals walk through each place at a steady pace because of the absence of the human being. While they advance we retreat because of the fear of COVID-19. Demonstrating the abrupt change in humanity by the pandemic.

On the other hand, it was determined that the lesser number of cars circulating in these days caused a 50% decrease in carbon monoxide and also particulate material, as well as noise pollution. At this moment I start to reflect and I realize that the planet has been asking for a break from man and is currently getting it.

The planet whispers in our ears through a breeze asking us to let it rest, it is obvious that it gives a message to each of us, we just have to know how to listen to it. "Let's take care of our home."

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