Emma's Return to the Soup Kitchen

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Emma chating with the ladies at the soup kitchen Emma chating with the ladies at the soup kitchen

This month Voluntario Global gave a very warm welcome back to Emma from the UK, who first joined us back in 2014 and spent a month volunteering in the soup kitchen. She had such a great time that this year, at the end of her travels through South America, she stopped in Buenos Aires to spend another 3 weeks volunteering before returning home.

The soup kitchen is located in Villa 21-24, and feeds the large kindergarten next door as well as the inhabitants of the villa. The kitchen is run by volunteers from the villa itself, and receives donations and food from the government so that it can keep on going. However the ladies there work really hard from early in the morning, so they were very happy to see a familiar face like Emma’s ready to help them!

Although her Spanish is basic, Emma still developed a strong bond with those who she worked with and was touched to receive a goodbye card on her last day. It won’t be a goodbye for long, as she plans to return in the future, and we are sure that the ladies in the soup kitchen can’t wait to see her again! 

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