Meet our volunteer Lexi from USA!

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Volunteer Lexi talks about her volunteer experience in the Health Center Volunteer Lexi talks about her volunteer experience in the Health Center

Get to know more about Lexi's experience in the Health Center!

1. Can you introduce yourself?

Hi! My name is Lexi Clifford, I am 20 years old and from the United States. I am a rising junior at Duke University studying Neuroscience and Global Health. I am pre-med and plan on going to medical school after graduating! 

2. Why did you choose this project?

I chose this project because of my interests in global health. Reading about the Health Center and the health system generally in Argentina seemed to align with my interests and I knew I would learn a lot from being here. One thing that really drew me to this program was reading about the health promoters and their roles. 

As for BA, my family is Argentinian and many of my family members live in Buenos Aires which has made this trip even more wonderful for me as I have gotten to spend time getting to know them. 

3. Which were your expectations about it?

I think this experience really met my expectations. I felt as though I would learn a lot being around a clinic about the different medical fields and about my own interests. I also expected to learn a lot about the health system and how it operates. I also knew that at times volunteering can be difficult feeling useless and more in the way than anything but this just made me prepared and ready to adapt and try to channel my skills to help the clinic.

4. What does it mean to be a volunteer for you?

Volunteering to me is a give and take. It is working with a group and trying to help them accomplish things with the set of skills that you can bring to the table while also watching how the organization operates and trying to work within their structure to help them in whatever way possible. It is also an enriching and educational experience that can teach the volunteer more about themselves and their passions. 

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