How did you feel on your first day?
I was excited yesterday. I felt happy because Voluntario Global gave me the opportunity to work in a radio station. And the first day, Roxana, my contact person on the radio was really nice. She took her time to show a part of how they work to prepare and produce radio. The was good.
Which expectations did you have?
Since everything happened so fast, it has not been much time to create expectation. Just a week ago, I didn't know I would be working for a radio station. But I expect to learn about producing radio and also get to know the Argentinean society.
Why did you choose Buenos Aires?
I did never choose, it was my girlfriend. She study medicine and is doing an exchange at the university here in Buenos Aires. We went here together because I also wanted to visit this city, as I've been told it is a nice one.
Why did you choose Voluntario Global?
When I arrived in Buenos Aires, I wanted to do something that would involve interacting with the locals. Both for my spanish skills and for getting to know more about life here. A friend of mine worked as a volunteer for Voluntario Global some years ago, and as his experiences were good, I contacted Voluntario Global to know what they had to offer.
Thanks for your answers!
De nada!