9 Tips for Volunteers coming to Argentina

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9 Tips for Volunteers coming to Argentina 9 Tips for Volunteers coming to Argentina

Voluntario Global is not just an organization, it's a community made up of local organizations, volunteers and institutions that work together for social justice. 

In a world that tends to behave from an individualistic position, we promote cooperative values, critical thinking, and teamwork. That's how the community works and that's how we encourage volunteers to face their experience abroad.  

We see volunteering as a non-formal education process where we all learn from each other, making the community stronger. It's in this intercultural exchange where we can all gain new skills, knowledge and get rid of any misconceptions we may have. 

Volunteering allows us to see the world from a different perspective, so remember:

  • Be curious about the culture you are getting immersed
  • Don't be afraid of asking questions
  • Set realistic goals about your experience
  • Think of creative ways to break the language barrier
  • Give others and yourself time to adapt 
  • Take the initiative and get involved 
  • Keep in mind that you will always be learning
  • Share about yourself and culture with others
  • You are not going to save the world 
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