Volunteer's First Day at their Projects: Veena

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Veena volunteering with children Veena volunteering with children Voluntario Global

Veena Bahia, 30 years old from England, will be helping at the Early Childhood Development Centre project for 4 weeks.

How are you feeling on your first day?

I’m feeling a little bit nervous and exciting. I'm excited to meet the children.

What are your expectations?

I don't have any, really. I expect to play with the children, communicate with them and maybe help in the kitchen.

Have you set a goal for the volunteer experience?

To become more open to other people, to see a different culture and understand the social reality of where they live.

Why did you choose Buenos Aires?

I chose this city because Voluntario Global offered a good volunteer program for children and I had never been to South America before... so I'm here!

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