Volunteer's First Day at their Projects: Jesper

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Jesper visits the Soup Kitchen Jesper visits the Soup Kitchen Voluntario Global

Jesper Jensen, 27 years old from Denmark, will be helping at the Community Soup Kitchen project for 2 weeks.

How are you feeling on your first day?

I’m also a little bit nervous but excited to see what we’re gonna do.

What are your expectations?

Well, to see how, like, the people of Argentina, like, live their daily lives, perhaps learn a bit of Spanish. I hope to a least improve my Spanish, I only had a week of lessons so far so any little thing will help I think!

Have you set a goal for the volunteer experience?

I dont know if I have set A goal but just improving Spanish, getting a better picture of how people live here... that’s is I think!

Why did you choose Buenos Aires?

Well it was actually because I had been traveling for a while in South America and it was a good natural stop; to have like a bit of a break where I settle in for a few weeks.



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