Voluntario Global's Annual Meeting: Summit in the Territory

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Summit in the Territory Summit in the Territory Voluntario Global

At the beginning of December 2018, the G20 Summit was held in Buenos Aires. A few countries' leaders of the world, among which are the most powerful, came together to agree and define the fate of the population and the nature of the entire planet.

The social organizations grouped under Voluntario Global decided to hold a "Summit" to reflect and discuss the present of our country and the strategies for the future we want to build.

As part of the G20 Summit and prior to this meeting, meetings are held agreements are outlined to be signed during the summit. Topics are varied, from international finance and judicial systems, to education and training for work. So, for our summit, we chose as main themes: Education and Generation of work so we could debate and read while enjoying the day in Pacheco Community.

Work and Education

We started by reading in detail about the educational reform in Argentina that will be implemented in 2019, which, in some cases, eliminates subjects from school such as: History, Geography, Civic Education, thus minimizing the possibilities of educating to think critically. This policy had been endorsed by the specialized technicians who met within the G20 framework three months before the summit.

We, social organizations, understand that educational policies are being designed by the Market when they should be designed by the Estate (together with the community, teachers, parents and students). But our capitalist system seeks to train standardized students who won't be able to develop subjectivities and teachers who, instead of teaching, encourage learning to compete in the labor market, which means: competence, cheap labor and development of individual interests.

We asked ourselves: What kind of Education do people want? Are Governments the only ones who can define the Educational Structure and make education exclusive, private, centralist, repressive and unworthy? In whose hands is the defense of the Right to critical and creative Education?

We discussed these questions deeply and we all agreed that social  organizations are willing to continue doing our part: educating to achieve a more just and egalitarian society. Educating to appreciate diversity as a supreme value that we must preserve as well as life and nature and separate them from their conception of merchandise that is bought and sold in the capitalist system.

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