Valerie's Experience Volunteering at the Health Center

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Valerie with the team from the Health Center Valerie with the team from the Health Center Valerie Gallardo

Valerie's reflections on her time in Buenos Aires volunteering at a Health Center. 


Aside from going out every weekend and exploring the streets of BA with amazing people — I had the humble opportunity of working at a community health center in the neighborhood of José Leon Suarez, where I met extraordinary people — from doctors to administration to volunteers to patients to neighbors — where I learned about the Argentine Health System, where I was able to contribute through my knowledge, where I was able to sit in a meeting among doctors and politicians in regards to the discussion of legalization of abortion in the country of Argentina and how that would play out in the health centers, where I was able to speak on the radio about the similarities and differences between the Argentine and US health system and where I was able to grow as a student, professional and person as a whole. 

Once again, thank you Argentina for all that you prospered in me.

And thank you Voluntario Global for this amazing opportunity.

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