Top 5 places to Relax in Buenos Aires

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Jardin Japones Jardin Japones Voluntario Global

Buenos Aires is a city bursting with life, every hour of the day there's activity, music, movement. Cars pass by all through the night, the streets are rarely empty and some shops seem to just never close!



Being from the country side, although I was excited to volunteer in a city and try the city life and how convenient and energetic it is. I was also a little worried I wouldn't be able to find anywhere to peacefully relax. It turns out these worries were completely unnecessary however, because Buenos Aires is filled with hidden gems that provide the perfect spot for some relaxation and quiet time!

Here's our top 5 places to take a time out in the city:

1- Parque 3 de Febrero
Number one has to be the park '3 de Febrero' with its beautiful lake and rose garden. Here you'll find everything from weekend dance lessons to rollerblade and bike hire, cute benches and perfect spots of grass to sit, chat and share mate. The park is an impressive size with beautiful sites and the volunteers love to wander around on a sunny day before finding a nice spot in the shade to share some medialunas. I would recommend sticking around until the sun starts to set for a beautiful picture perfect moment.

2- The Planetarium
Close to the park '3 de Febrero' is the Buenos Aires 'planetario' (planetarium). For just 60 pesos you can get a ticket to one of the spectacular shows projecting the night sky, planets and galaxies onto the dome roof screen with comfy recliner chairs. Educational but also a wonderful escape from the world (literally!) which is very calming.

3- Recoleta
In Recoleta you can find another great place to chill out. The trails of market stalls selling a wonderful variety of gifts border the grassy hill perfect for sitting with friends. Here you will also find some great stalls for fresh juice or snacks and musicians.

4- Plaza de Mayo
Although a popular tourist spot, Plaza de Mayo, overlooked by the impressive Casa Rosada, offers some shaded spots on hot days with the perfect opportunity to people-watch.

5- The Japanese Garden
The 'jardín japonés' (Japanese Garden) is a small and beautiful kept garden with gift shops and snack bars, offering a taste of the Japanese culture. A great place to explore and relax with bright red bridges and beautiful flowers and fish.

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