Last Friday (Friday 24th March) was Día de la Memoria por la Verdad y la Justicia (the Day of Remembrance for Truth and Justice) which commemorates the victims of the Dirty War. An estimated 30,000 people disappeared during Argentina’s military rule (1976-83). A march takes place every year to remind the government that this can never happen again.
All of the volunteers and coordinators at Voluntario Global joined together on this day at the hostel to discuss the history of Día de la Memoria por la Verdad y la Justicia before joining the march.
It was fantastic meeting all of the other volunteers at Voluntario Global. When we joined the march, we witnessed the passion and determination of people from all ages and backgrounds standing up against their government. The distinctive sound of drums, chanting and firecrackers were mesmerizing.
The atmosphere at the March was astonishingly powerful, you could literally feel the energy of the people and it was touching how tens of thousands of people come together to ensure the government listens to them. Argentina is culturally very different to England, people are friendlier and much more open to talking to strangers, this enabled us to learn even more about this special day.
Día de la Memoria por la Verdad y la Justicia was a unique day for me in Argentina and it is one myself and the other volunteers will never forget.