Start Every Year Remembering our Founder, Armin

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Armin, Voluntario Global Fouder Armin, Voluntario Global Fouder Voluntario Global

Armin was a young man who studied to become an economist at the University of Buenos Aires. He understood Economics as part of our life and as a tool which must be used to achieve Equity and Social Justice.

Sadly, on March 4th, 2013 Armin was killed by two thieves who attempted to steal his motorcycle. He was just 29 years old, and was president and Founder of Voluntario Global.

As a new year begins, Armin remains our inspiration. Especially when a new chapter in the life of this organization begins: Pacheco Community Center. Back in 2013 we still had no idea about this project and Armin never knew about Pacheco. However, his philosophy is our philosophy and thus he's always present in our decisions.

So today we remember Armin, and toast to the foundation of this new place that brings together the community as part of an economic development project aimed to achieve Equity and Social Justice. Here's to Armin and a prosperous new year!


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1 comment

  • Comment Link Steve Page 2017-01-04 posted by Steve Page

    ¡Un sentimiento que comparto yo! Como arquitecto del gran proyecto Voluntario Global, todo lo que se logra hoy se debe a los que construyen la base segura para el futuro. Tanto con las manos como con las ideas, Armín contribuyó mucho a convertir en realidad lo que se soñaba hacer hace tantos años. De ahí que, como entramos en un año nuevo, y comienza una fase nueva, recordamos a Armín como si estuviera presente. Un abrazo fuerte a VG!!

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