Network of Organizations October Gathering

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Network of Organizations October Gathering Network of Organizations October Gathering Voluntario Global

On October 7th, we carried our the 3rd. Encounter of Voluntario Global's Network of Organizations.

We met with all the organizations which are part of our Network to think about the importance of voting, democracy and institutions.

Amongst our conclusions, we detected that democracy sometimes acts as a paradox: We can say that representative democracy is a form of government in which the people has political power and exercise it through representatives elected by popular vote. Therefore, if we do not vote, we are losing our freedom to choose who we want to represent our interests.  

We also discussed another type of democracy, participative democracy. Social organizations like us are part of participatory democracy. Community gathers, organize themselves, claim and struggle to be heard and try to find together solutions to their needs. Many times, different communities come together as together we are stronger and we can help each other solve common problems, thus social organizations arise.

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