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This pandemic has shown us the strong negative impact that human actions have on the planet without a sustainable perspective. We are acquiring new habits, restructuring our way of life to take care of each other, but are we really thinking about the future and the environment?

In this context, one of the aspects we have to take into account is touristic activity and the need to promote responsible tourism practices. Responsible tourism implies economic, environmental, and socio-cultural aspects to be taken into account when one travels. In fact, The World Tourism Organization (WTO) refers to responsible tourism as tourism that minimizes its possible negative consequences for the environment, cultural heritage, and societies around the world.
It is for this reason that we have always promoted volunteering as an experience and a decision to promote responsible tourism. We believe that it is important to think about what impact we are having with our actions and to be more aware of it. We try to separate in some aspects a volunteer from a regular tourist because we promote an idea of volunteering that tries to move away from the activity of aggressive tourist consumption. Volunteering implies generating a bond with the place you are in, with its people, with its culture and also with its environment. But it also implies an exchange, there is a connection between both, an experience that is far from taking, observing, and leaving.
We believe that it is also important for future tourism to think about how the situation of the pandemic has affected each country, to investigate, to inquire. All this is also part of a responsible attitude towards our planet.

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