A Night at the Cinema in Buenos Aires

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Cinemas in Buenos Aires Cinemas in Buenos Aires

In 2015, where digital streaming, pirating and binge viewing movies and television shows on hundreds of websites such as, Netflix and Hulu it’s hard to remember that people still enjoy going to the cinema. For some, watching a film surrounded by strangers in a dark room with luxurious, ‘stadium’ seating is worth a ticket price of $15-$20 USD. Everyone has a different perspective and reaction to high stakes in an action film, horribly embarrassing moments of a comedy or when the most anticipated couple kiss in a Nicholas Sparks romance. Well in Argentina, the same trends sustain but in what seems to be a classy and a keen part of their culture.

From the famous architectural masterpieces of Teatro Colon and Teatro Gran Rex, there are many ‘vintage’ cinema houses in Buenos Aires to check out. Rich history and architecturally stunning are some characteristics of cinemas like Cine Locra, Cine 25 de Mayo and Cine Gaumont. The latter, Cine Gaumont is located across the plaza in front of the Congressional building on Avenida de Mayo. Cine Gaumont was built by a Frenchman back in 1912 and nearly 100 years later was threatened to be demolished since the owners did not wish to renew their lease. Thanks to legislature Juan Cabandié and supporters of the National Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual Arts (INCAA), the cinema was protected and remains active serving many locals and tourists alike every day. 

After a recommendation from a housemate and student filmmaker, I was lucky to see “Kryptonita,” a well-received Argentinian film at some recent festivals. Despite testing my language skills, it was definitely a must-see and genuine cinematic experience. Read about some other classic cinema houses on the Argentina Independent.

Aside from the traditional cinematic experience, there are always the multiplex. Atlas Cines has a few multiplex cinemas all over the city including Monument Lavalle, in the heart of San Nicholas and a few blocks away from Florida Street. There’s also Cinemark in Puerto Maderno and Village Cines in Reloceta (*insert link). So whatever your mood, whatever barrio (neighborhood) you’re in take a trip to the cinema. Don’t forget to grab some fresh popcorn or peanuts, a drink and enjoy the show! For more recommendation about cinemas and film in Argentina check out the following website.


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