Two months is a long time to get properly acquainted with a new environment. During this time, I have had my share of gelato and helado (ice cream). In Buenos Aires, there is a never-ending supply of the frozen sweet with a gelateria or heladeria (ice cream shop) on almost every street corner! With a rich history dating back to the 18th century with their Italian ancestors, ice cream is a fundamental part of the Argentinean culture.
Some might be wondering, what is the difference between gelato and helado? For starters, there’s a slightly different process in which gelato and helado is made. Gelato is churned at a much slower rate, incorporating less air and leaving the gelato denser than ice cream. Another important fact to remember is that gelato is served at a slightly warmer temperature than ice cream, giving it silkier and softer texture. But it also has a tendency to melt quicker so eat up!
Just in time for the hot summer season, here’s our top five picks for the best spots to try some authentic Argentinean flavors like Tramontana, Dulce de Leche, chocolate con almendras (almonds) or Malbec y frutos rojos (Malbec and berries) For a more thorough list of flavors check out this website.
1. Rapanui – This is by far the best tasting gelato in Buenos Aires! There are a few different locations but if you are heading to the Recoleta Cemetery, take a 2 min walk to Rapanui. It’s so worth it, especially when you can stock up on Christmas gifts with a purchase of a box of their homemade chocolates!
2. Cadore – For the traditionalists like myself Cadore is the place to go! This vintage gelateria is a family-run business that started in the late 18th century in Venice, Italy. Cadore is a friendly parlor located on Avenida de Corrientes and Rodriguez Pena.
3. Freddo – One of the biggest chain of ice cream parlors in Buenos Aires and provides the daily customer a variety of flavors at a reasonably cheap price.
4. Volta – Another one of the chain ice cream parlors but with a sophisticated edge, they make chocolate and have some of the best chocolate flavors. Again this is one of the more moderate priced heladerias.
5. Persico – One of the chain heladerias that is equally good in quality and price. Definitely worth checking out if you find one as you are walking along the street.
For more tips on the best gelato and helado in Buenos Aires check out Gringo or for more information about general chain ice cream parlors check out this blog. Your welcome and enjoy!!