Creamfields Buenos Aires - 15th Anniversary

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Festival in Argentina Festival in Argentina

The EDM or electric dance music has grown from the underground scene to mainstream radio with famous djs such as, David Guetta, Deadmau5, Skrillex, Calvin Harris, Diplo, Tiesto and much more. Many of the EDM fans attend festivities throughout the year to see their favorite djs but also meet socialize with people and explore new talent together.

Creamfields started in the late 1990s in Winchester, England and since its much earned success expanded into multiple locations around the world. Creamfields Buenos Aires is not only the most attended and popular of the Creamfields festivals in South America but it also was the first Creamsfields to be organized outside of its birthplace. Celebrating 15 years, Creamfields Buenos Aires is bound to put out all the stops to make this an unforgettable event.

Located on the fareast side of Buenos Aires in the Costanera Sur ecological reserve past Puerto Maderno. Unfortunately, if you don’t have a ticket to Creamfields Buenos Aires yet the sad news for you is the event has officially SOLD OUT. However, you might be able to purchase tickets at the entrance if some do not show up. Words of advice for the novices who aren’t familiar with PLUR, trance, shuffle or anything about EDM fest-life, check out this list of tips to prepare yourself:

  • Do a little research to find out what you like. For starters you should listen to some tracks by djs on the line-up.
  • Take a stroll and explore. Spend 15-20 minutes in one area before moving on to the next tent/dj.
  • Make sure you are aware of your surroundings which means exits, crowd surfers, debris, uneven pavement and items that might be chucked into the air at any given time.
  • Stay hydrated. This is not the time for the invincible complex to kick it, be smart especially if its hot outside.
  • Know where to go after the event. Whether you take public transportation or a taxi, write down your address on a piece of paper NOT your phone (might be dead by 6am the next morning).
  • Bring: Backpack, Sunblock, chapstick/lip balm, money, cell phone, identification (with birthdate), water bottle, sneakers, sunglasses, gum, kandi (optional) and ear plugs.
  • Most importantly, HAVE FUN!!!

  Happy 15th birthday Creamfields Buenos Aires!



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